Monday, June 22, 2015

When Accomplishing Goals Gets Creative

Ever heard of Map Your Progress?
Neither had I until last weekend when I came across this post.
I read all about Amy's journey to pay off debt and mark her progress as she did so.
Resulting in a work of art. Like this.

These were the first or early prints she made, comprised of individual swirls that she would color in as she went. Each swirl representing a portion of the debt she was paying. Genius. Genius I tell you.

At least for a brain like mine, how cool it is to have something tangible to show for my effort. And not just tangible but potentially pretty. Attractive, eye-catching. A creative work of art. Both a motivation for--and a reward of--accomplishing a goal!

Her site is great has prints (or canvases) with swirls as few as 20 and as many as 365 (for you do-something-every-day-folks.) Do you know what this means? For me, it means I have some tangible motivation on the way for all my summer goals --fitness, writing, Portuguese learning --whatever I want to measure, and most likely accomplish, in a much more creative way.


1 comment:

Peggy Urry said...

Love this idea. Maybe it will help with the motivation I've been lacking. Thanks Tamara.


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