Saturday, June 8, 2013

On A Day Like Today

On my mind
On a day like today
Thoughts of awe for the miracles
That have woven their way into my life this last year
Mostly in disguise and using totally ordinary names such as

A certain child's prayer
Voluntarily-completed household chores by non-complaining children (c'mon, you know that's a miracle!)
A service mission opportunity for my son
Surgery and relief from chronic pain for me
Unexpected vacation time with my husband in NYC
Answers to a certain child's prayer
An overwhelming response to the Gift Bags for Moms project (I still cry when I think of it)

In my heart today
Feelings of gratitude and humility
For the miracles in my life also known as friends
Friends both near and far, old and new
We, who have laughed and cried together
Served side by side
Watched our children grow up before our very eyes
Friends who have cared and called and carried me with their thoughtful words
Even though they didn't know they were doing it, or maybe they did
Friends who have been the greatest examples in the simplest of ways
I give thanks for all these miracles and many more
On a day like today




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