Friday, December 25, 2015

On The Twelfth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Twelve in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour!
Hope you have a very merry Christmas!
Marianne Sciucco Guest Post

Fill Your New Kindle! The 12 Days of  Giveaways
Did you ask Santa for a new Kindle by any chance? If you’ve been a good reader this year you probably got it, and I bet you can’t wait to fill it with an assortment of great new books. If you’re like me that device will soon be bursting at the seams with a treasure trove of titles guaranteed to keep you entertained to infinity and beyond. Seriously, that ereader can hold more books than you can read in a year, in my case a lifetime! I often say I hope I live long enough to make it through my TBR list.

To get you started on building that digital library I invite you to join me and 23 more authors in The 12 Days of Giveaways, an opportunity for you to meet some up and coming new authors, discover great new reads, and win fantastic prizes including ebooks, paperbacks. On each of the twelve days two authors hosted a giveaway on their blogs.  

Today is my special day and I’m offering a free Kindle copy of my novel Blue Hydrangeas, an Alzheimer’s love story to anyone who joins my mailing list. Blue Hydrangeas is the sad but beautiful story of a pair of retired Cape Cod innkeepers struggling with Alzheimer’s. Find out why one reader said “I read it twice just to make sure I didn’t miss anything,” and another said “The drama reaches out and grabs you.”  I’m pretty sure you’ll love the ending. Sign up here to receive your free book.

Starting tomorrowDecember 26 – my short story Collection will be FREE for two days so you can add that to your collection too. Story: A young girl and her family accompany their housepainter father on a trip to collect his wages from a slow-paying customer, and encounter surprising consequences.

To find out what the other authors are offering, curl up on the couch in a fluffy blanket, grab that Kindle and a cup of hot cocoa, and check in with them to see what’s happening:

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

On The Eleventh Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Eleven in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 
Frances Hoelsema Guest Post

Title is: My Christmas Gift to You!
 For those of you not familiar with who I am or my work, I am Frances Hoelsema. I am a wife and work-at-home/homeschooling mom of two boys that has a passion for writing. A few years ago, after I had gotten a kindle and started reading all kinds of different books, I had the bright idea to write my own novel. This wasn't the first time I got an itch to write something, it was just the first time I did something about it.
My favorite type of book to read is romance, the kind that has a happy ending and makes you feel good about love. And that's exactly what my debut novel, Growing Up Neighbors, does.

Here's a blurb: Little Deborah Harrington stared across the street the day the Michaels family moved in. Who was this family? Would she even like them? Nicholas Michaels hated the fact he had to move away from everything and everyone in his life, but his feelings change when he meets the Harringtons. Deborah and Nicholas become the best of friends, and as the children grow up, their friendship deepens. But then tragedy strikes. Will this cause them to part ways? Or will it perhaps make them realize they may have stronger feelings for one another before it's too late?
Growing Up Neighbors will embark you on a journey through various life experiences; the final destination is discovering love.
Christmas is my favorite time of year, and anyone who knows me knows I love to give. So my gift to you this Christmas is a chance to win an autographed paperback copy of Growing Up Neighbors. To enter the contest, please visit this link:


I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.

Angela Carling -]

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

On The Tenth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Ten in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 
Valerie Ipson Guest Post


Author Valerie Ipson Offers YA Readers
an Emotional Journey With a Bit of Mystery
in Her Debut Novel, IDEAL HIGH
Available in print and Kindle on Amazon


From back cover:
There’s no way I’m taking Blake’s place as president of the student body. As soon as the memorial for him and six of our friends is over, I’m resigning as VP. Really.
Except people say the fire was no accident. (I say it’s way too easy to blame someone who’s dead.)
When I read the writing on the wall, literally, the bathroom wall, I know what it means. To get to the truth I have to come out from under my paisley comforter.
But, seriously, what stage of grief says I have to be the one to fix what’s wrong at Ideal High? Maybe I’m the one who’s broken.

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.
Cassie Sheils -]

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

On The Ninth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Nine in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour.
Anna del C. Dye Guest Post

On the 9th Day of Christmas an author gave to me . . .
Once Upon Two Kingdoms, a medieval Young Adult Romance.

Hi, I am Anna del C. Dye and I was born in the extreme South along some famous beaches. I grew up with four other siblings, being placed in the middle.

I moved to the USA to marry my husband Rodney and we have resided in Utah since then. My husband, a native of Idaho, met me in my hometown. We fell in love and I came to Utah on Christmas Eve to be married two weeks later. We are the parents of three princes and a princess.

Early on in my life I showed an affinity for sewing and took classes that rewarded me with the opportunities of doing costuming for the cast of five musicals, and for Utah’s own Fantasy Con, which I enjoyed immensely. I am fluent in both English and Spanish. I live in Taylorsville, Utah.

Some of my writing recognitions:
I received the Editor’s Choice Award from the International Library of Poetry and had my article entitled A New American Mother published by Desert Saints Magazine. My short story entitled Amerine—Fairy Princess was won at Oquirrh chapter contest and was published by Kalkion Magazine. (Now it is published as an e-book, entitled Emerine’s Nightmare.) Other articles about family and relationship have been published frequently in the MOMS CLUBÒ of Salt Lake Valley-West. I have published 7 books in my Elf series. Our love story was published by Deseret book in the anthology entitled Angels Round About by July C. Olsen. Another of my articles was included in the book Mother’s Message in a Bottle, edited by Tyler Hayden and published by Ninbus Publishing. The first book of my new series, A Royal Romance, was published in Feb 2015 with the title “Once Upon Two Kingdoms.” 

Back Cover Blurb:
Freedom to Choose is Paramount for any human.
An arrangement made when Elizabeth was just a babe ties her to someone she has never met, never spoken to, never loved. Now she desires freedom—a way to choose her own path—her own husband. The moment Elizabeth meets Patrick she knows he is her soul mate. But when you are bound to a crown how is any choice your own?

Link to giveaway:

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.
[Peggy Urry -]

Monday, December 21, 2015

On the Eighth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Eight in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 
Stacy Monson guest post

You can visit Stacy's website here or Facebook Page here
And enter her giveaway here

Visit her blog - I had trouble with the pictures so be sure to check out her site!!

I'm privileged to be part of the 12 Days of Giveaways this Christmas season - a collective of 24 authors writing in a variety of genres, all from a strong faith foundation. Today, the 8th day, it's my turn to take to the podium for the Romance/Mystery group and offer a giveaway (woo hoooo!!). But first – some musings about Christmas.

There's so much focus during the Christmas season on gift-giving. We may agonize over just the right gift to give, or quickly snap up something that we think the recipient might like. We buy wrapping paper by the yards, bows and ribbon, boxes and bags to prepare the gifts we finally decide on. The cost, between the gift itself, the wrapping, and perhaps the shipping, can be astronomical.

While we're busily shopping, perhaps we should pause to consider the cost of Christmas itself. Not the cost of the trappings of the celebration but of the gift that started it all.

The baby in the manger was wrapped in strips of cloth, not expensive foil paper. The night was filled with the songs of the angels, not the latest musical group. The meal would have been simple bread and wine carried miles in their belongings, not a special meal served on delicate china in a warm home with family gathered round.

The financial cost of that first Christmas was minimal but its impact was priceless. The Christ child didn't come to give us material wealth, prestige or worldly acclaim. He came to give us something far more precious - His life. He was born for us so He could die for us. No gift on earth has had that price tag affixed to it. We certainly could never afford it.

But while it cost Him everything, He offers it to us for free. We cannot pay for it, earn it, or repay it. We do not deserve it. But it is the gift He picked out specifically for us, wrapped in glory, offered with love. It's the original gift that keeps on giving. We can unwrap it day after day after day, and it will never run out, never expire, never be taken away. So while you're shopping for that one perfect gift, remember that it's already yours for the keeping and the sharing. In this case, one size truly fits all.

Merry Christmas. Christ is born!
If you'd like to be entered to win an autographed set of books 1 and 2 of the Chain of Lakes Series, leave a comment below and share one of your favorite things about the Christmas season? (Don't make it some lofty "religious" answer - I really want to know what you enjoy!)

Shattered Image: Kiera Simmons’ career as a high-profile fashion model ends abruptly when a failed relationship nearly lands her in jail. Now she forges a quiet life helping teens understand their eternal value in a world saturated with the distorted messages of society.
Peter Theisen is on the fast track to everything the celebrity life promises, with each step of his meteoric rise in the music world orchestrated by his ambitious manager.
Their sweet, unexpected romance is threatened by her past and his future, a life-changing diagnosis, and financial devastation. As they struggle to find their way back to each other, and to the One who matters most, the allure of wealth and fame may jeopardize everything.

Dance of Grace:  In one tragic moment, dancer Vanessa Jordan lost her family, her career, and her future. She blames God for destroying everything that mattered.
Kurt Wagner, an ex-con with a second chance at life and faith, aches to shed his past and see his dream of helping teens become reality.
The former dancer and the ex-con form an unlikely alliance to build River House, a safe haven for kids on the street. But when Kurt’s past threatens his dreams and his life, Vanessa becomes a target as well. It will take a stubborn love, the grace of God, and one courageous teen to keep the River House dream alive.

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

On the Seventh Day of Christmas . . . Another Giveaway

This is Day Seven in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 
Brenda Anderson Guest Post

*** See giveaway details below ***

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
I love Christmas season. Even with the tumult going on around the world, hope cannot be taken from us. By celebrating Jesus' birth, we're reminded that we do have a Savior. In our broken world, our messy lives, our tragedies and tears, we always have hope.

In my novel, CHAIN OF MERCY, that's a lesson both the hero and heroine need to learn. Both are broken, both have made terrible choices, and both struggle to find hope with the mess they've made of their lives. Through Christ, they eventually find that hope.
My prayer this Christmas is that, no matter what's going on in your life, you'll look to the One who was born for you. Who loved you so much, He died for you! And then He arose, leaving your sins behind, washing you white as first-fallen snow!
Have a joyous Christmas!

About Chain of Mercy ~
A devastating argument
One reckless decision
An unforgivable sin
Manhattan businessman Richard Brooks was at the top of the world, drunk with success, wealth, and women until one disastrous evening, when his world came crashing down.
Richard flees to Minneapolis where he repairs ancient boilers instead of solving corporate problems, and he’s determined to live the solitary life he now deserves …

Chained to his guilt. Blending in with the gray. No luxuries in sight.

But Executive Sheila Peterson has other plans for the handsome custodian. Richard appears to be the perfect match for the no-strings-attached romance she’s after, but she soon discovers that he’s hiding more than the designer suits in his closet.

About Brenda S. Anderson ~
Brenda S. Anderson writes gritty and authentic, life-affirming fiction. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, and is currently President of the ACFW Minnesota chapter, MN-NICE. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, theater, roller coasters, and baseball, and she loves watching movies with her family. She resides in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area with her husband of 28 years, their three children, and one sassy cat.

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

On the Sixth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Six in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 
Kari Trumbo Guest Post

To Honor and Cherish
Western Vows, Book 1
By Kari Trumbo
Genre: Historical Christian Romance

Meg never complained when her father stipulated in his will that she must marry and have a male heir to own his ranch. That is, until she lost her husband to a spring storm. Now everything that looked secure in her life is as destroyed as the buildings around her.
If the loss of her spouse wasn’t hard enough, she now has to take on the ranch and the new foreman, Jax. He likes to argue with her even more than he likes his job. Meg wants to trust him, but Jax is running from something. He has secrets that could put Meg and the ranch in grave danger.
Can Jax conquer his past and teach Meg what love is really like? Can Meg trust that he wants her for more than just the land?

Ultimately, this story is about listening to God’s will over what others say is right or wrong. God’s will does not change, nor does his love for us. His timing may not fit with our own, but it’s always right
Enter to win a signed print copy of To Honor and Cherish!
at Kari's Facebook Page
Giveaway limited to US residents only, please.

About the Author
Kari Trumbo is a writer of Christian Historical Romance and a stay-at-home mom to four vibrant children. She does freelance developmental editing, blogging, and book reviews. When she isn’t writing or editing, she homeschools her children and pretends to keep up with them. Kari has written two other novels in the Western Vows series and one prequel/novella; all should be released by this time next year. Kari loves reading, listening to contemporary Christian music, singing with the worship team, and curling up near the wood stove when winter hits. She makes her home in central Minnesota with her husband of eighteen years, two daughters, two sons, and four cats.

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.

Friday, December 18, 2015

On the Fifth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Five in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 
Guest Posting on the blog:
Rachel Skatvold

I hope all of you are having a wonderful Christmas season. Now that the weather is turning colder, it is a wonderful time to curl up under a blanket and read a book. So, I’m excited to announce that I will be participating in the 12 Days of Christmas Book Giveaways!
My Giveaway

One eBook copy of my newest release, Beauty Restored
** This giveaway runs from December 14th - December 31st **

Book Summary
While volunteering at a youth camp in the Ozark Mountains, Carmen Riley sponsors a challenging group of teenage girls. She longs to make a difference in their lives, but unsettling news from home rattles her confidence. When Carmen meets a charming young pastor, will his wise advice give her the courage she desperately needs?
After discovering that the camp is in danger of closing, Pastor Andrew vows to save it. With Carmen’s help, he rallies a group of sponsors to come up with a plan of action. However, the task could cost him much more than he bargains for.
In a race against time, a common goal unites them, but unforeseen circumstances threaten to tear them apart. Will their relationship and faith in God endure long enough to see Beauty Restored?
About Me

Rachel Skatvold is an inspirational author and stay-at-home mom from the Midwest. She enjoys writing inspirational romance, devotions, encouraging blogs. Rachel has just finished her first series, the Riley Family Legacy Novellas and is now working on her first full length novel, Enduring the Flames. Other than writing, some of her hobbies include singing, reading and camping in the great outdoors with her husband and two young sons.
Places to Connect

Website     Facebook     Twitter     Pinterest

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

On the Fourth Day of Christmas ... Another Giveaway

This is Day Four in the 12 Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour. 

KJ Traynor Guest Post

My name is Madeleine Warwick and I'm a woman under siege.

Several years ago, a treasure hunting reality show resurrected the long-forgotten tale of Civil War treasure buried on my family's property. Ever since, amateur treasure hunters have been trespassing, invading our land. When their negligence cost my uncle his life, I forged a letter to disprove the treasure's existence. This stopped the hunters – but only for a time. Now they are coming back and, what’s worse, my secret has been discovered.

Arrogant Professor Gregory Randall knows about the forged letter, and he can ruin me with one phone call. But he won’t – as long I let him stay on the property to search for the treasure himself. It isn't easy living in the same house as your blackmailer, and there's more to Randall than meets the eye. He’s convinced there’s something to find, and I’m starting to think he might be right.

But even as we race to find the treasure first, the situation is becoming dangerous. Someone is determined to stop us: and they aren't afraid to use violence to do so. I’m running out of ideas, options, and time, and what’s worse, my blackmailer is the only one I can rely on.

​My first defense is the last man I can trust.

About the author:
Killarney Traynor is a writer, singer, actor, and history buff who decided that she wanted to write books as soon as she was old enough to read them. A resident of New Hampshire, her novels her love of local culture, history, and long summer days. When she isn't writing, she can be found day-dreaming about faraway places, watching old movies, reading long books while drinking too much tea, working with a local film company, exploring local attractions, or getting lost in Boston.

Follow Killarney:

Website                       Twitter                       Google+          Goodreads                Facebook

I'm part of the Romance/Mystery group. To visit the authors in the Fantasy group, check the link in the brackets.
[Visit the James Benedetto -]

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

On the Third Day of Giveaways

Ava Mallory Guest Posting

It's giveaway time!

It's day three of the 12 Days of Christmas Book Giveaways and that means it's my day to host a giveaway.  Two winners will win an e-copy of my new release 'Tis the Sneezin'

All you have to do to win is go HERE to enter.

I'm not the only author hosting giveaways on this blog tour. There are plenty of other Sci-fi/Paranormal/Fantasy and Romance/Mystery authors taking part in the festivities. 

Here's the list to hop on board this 12 Days of Giveaways train:

                                            Tamara Passey

Day 2 Tuesday 12/15/15 -- Jason Zandri -
                                            Melanie Mason

Day 3 Wednesday 12/16/15 -- Nicole Zoltack
                                                 Ava Mallory (That's me!)

Day 4 Thursday 12/17/15 --  James D.
                                               KJ Traynor

Day 5 Friday 12/18/15 -- Bron Whitley
                                         Rachel Skatvold

Day 6 Saturday 12/19/15 -- Jennifer Kibble
                                               Kari Trumbo

Day 7 Sunday 12/20/15 -- Lea Doue
                                           Brenda Anderson

Day 8 Monday 12/21/15 -- Emily Bates
                                            Stacy Monson

Day 9 Tuesday 12/22/15 -- Peggy Urry
                                            Anna Del C Dye -

Day 10 Wednesday 12/23/15 -- Cassie Sheils -
                                              Valerie Ipson

Day 11
Thursday 12/24/15
 – Angela Carling
                                                Frances Hoelsema

Day 12
Friday 12/25/15
 -- Tara Ellis
                                            Marianne Sciucco

Hop on board! Meet some fabulous authors and win some great prizes!

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

On the 2nd Day of Christmas an author gave to me . . .

On the 2nd Day of Christmas an author gave to me . . .

Hello there. My name is Melanie Mason.  I am an author, designer, and flight attendant all rolled into one. I graduated from Utah State University with a degree in communications.

I have been telling stories all my life and I find a deep passion in sharing the plots that spin through my head. I hope one day soon I will be working on an airplane and see someone reading on of my books. I'm pretty sure when that day comes I will scream with excitement and probably send my flight crew into a panic. :)

I live in Portland, OR- with my two dachshund chihuahua dogs and the rain - where the beauty of the Pacific Northwest feeds my imagination and the rainy winter evenings encourage me to curl up with hot chocolate and a good book. Or my laptop to write another good book.

My two published books are The Line That Divides, a WW2 historical fiction novel and The Ring of Remaliha. Check out my website for more information:
The book that I am offering on this the 2nd day of Christmas is a signed copy of The Ring of
Remaliha. Here's a teaser:

When April Tanner unexpectedly receives an ancient Egyptian ring, she is thrust in the midst of a desperate plot to uncover a treasure that will change the world.

She travels to Egypt only to find herself dodging thieves, assassins, and rich debonair colleagues. Uncovering the secrets of the ring could lead to the treasure . . . or her own tomb.

I look forward to sending a copy to the lucky winner!!! Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

12 Giveaways of Christmas, Make that 24!

So excited to be part of the 

Twelve* Giveaways of Christmas

Two groups of 12 authors (*make that 24 giveaways!) are giving away books from a wide variety of genres. Ready to get in on the holiday spirit and win some prizes? Start here and take the blog tour. There will be posts and prizes to win every day of the 12 days of Christmas.

First up is a giveaway of a signed print copy of 
The Christmas Tree Keeper: A Novel


Recently a #1 Amazon Bestseller 
in Contemporary Christian Romance
Available in print and ebook on and other retailers

About the book: Though Angela Donovan is out of work and needs money for rent, she yearns for her eight-year-old daughter to have a carefree holiday. The last thing she wants is the pressure of her daughter expecting a miracle. But when they pick out a Christmas tree at a cozy Massachusetts tree farm that’s exactly what happens when they learn the trees might be miracle trees. 

Mark Shafer is soon to be the new keeper of the Christmas trees when he inherits the family farm. He’d like to run it with a family of his own, but his girlfriend wants nothing to do with farm life. He makes plans to sell so he can propose to his girlfriend and pursue a career in music. Then he meets an unforgettable customer and her daughter, and an anonymous gift compels them to learn the truth about the trees. 

With a buyer willing to pay top dollar for the land, Mark has the fate of the trees in his hand. Will he be able to see what and who is most important? And will Angela give the miracle of love a chance? 

A little about me: Tamara Passey, author of the The Christmas Tree Keeper: A Novel, was born and raised in Massachusetts around a large family, one that has served as inspiration for most of her writing. She was named Arizona Young Mother of the Year in 2013 and contributes marriage and family articles to Mothering through the Whirlwind is her fist work of non-fiction. She loves most creative endeavors and when she isn't writing or re-writing, you can find her baking or cross-stitching or walking--though not all at the same time. She lives with her husband and three children in Arizona. 


Check out the other authors and prizes:

**NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Every eligible entry has 1 in 500 chance to win, up to 1 winners. This giveaway started December 11,2015 10:35 PM PST and ends the earlier of December 18,2015 11:59 PM PST or when all prizes have been awarded.


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